Saturday, March 29, 2008

spring time at my house

I came home the other day to discover Haylie had decorated our mantel for spring! Even put together our amount of spring decor is minimal, but she made it is amazing and super cute...and made me sooo ready for warm sunny weather spring time brings. I'm really looking forward to exploring this city after coming out of winter hibernation.

A Real Room

After almost five months I now have a room that is moved into and is not painted "Holiday Inn" maroon and hot pink...(what were they thinking?) It still needs some work, but for a person who really needs a nest it's just perfect for now.


Finally I was able to return to NYC. I've lived in Philly since October and still have only been once! Ryan, Haylie, and I took the bus ride over for an amazing weekend. We have so many fun folks to visit there...some of my most favorite people! I got to see almost everyone, even some surprise guests. It's always really hard to leave that magical place. Thanks for all the hospitality and fun everyone.

Some of the NY crew

A small army found on the streets

A taste of heaven...Tinsel Trading

A Meggs B. cupcake...

Meggs room is filled with fun goodies. I love to go explore all the fun things she collects.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The 6ers

Since the craziness of moving, finding a job, and ACC has finally come to a close, I took about 2 weeks off from my own work to breath and have some FUN. The past couple weeks I have really started to like livin' up here. I see Adam Smith way more and Ryan Jahn is Haylie and I's entertainment committy. He makes everything fun.

On one of these crazy nights of fun Adam, Lyds, Ryan, Haylie, and I decided to be serious Philly sports fans at the 76er's the all you can eat section...where ryan had no control over his hotdog intake.

New Work

I have alot of new work to add to my jewelry site, but because my website is smarter than me I have to wait for some help to put everything on there. Here is a sneak peak.

p.s. This is my first attempt at photographing my own work. I hope I did ok Josh...

It's Over

So sorry it's been so long since my last post! The American Craft Council 2008 show is over again. Thankgoodness. Now it's time to relax and then fill some orders. Here is a photo of my booth from this year. Thanks to Lyds for being an excellent booth friend, to the Smiths for TONS of things, Adam Smith for the pep talks, Haylie B. for living with me when I was a zombie, and my momma and Jimbo for being shippers. THANKS EVERYONE!